Summer 2024  
Speaker & Interview 

Math Unleashed -
Revealing Hidden Career Horizons

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Do you enjoy or excel in math but wonder if taking more than is required of you is worthwhile?   

Or maybe you already plan to continue your studies of math for the sheer enjoyment of it, but don't see how it could be useful career-wise beyond becoming a teacher, actuary, or quant?   

Perhaps you'd just love to see some really creative, fascinating applications of math in the modern work-world?  

Come attend our summer lecture and interview series! 

  • Fascinating Presentations
  •  Illuminating Interviews 
  •  Join Live and Ask Questions, or Watch recordings on your own time

Biweekly Presentations

Every other week, a speaker will give a presentation on some of their professional work that they couldn't do without higher math. Get ready for some really fascinating, inspiring, and creative mathy career inspiration! 

Biweekly Interviews

 On weeks following our presentations, Dr. Finotti will sit down with the presenters and interview them, discussing their academic trajectories, what motivated them to find the paths they took, and what they wish they'd known when they were students like you!
I have deeply regretted that I did not proceed far enough at least to understand something of the great leading principles of mathematics, for men thus endowed seem to have an extra sense.

Charles darwin 
Meet the Moderator

Dr. Heather Finotti

Dr. Finotti earned her PhD in Mathematics at the University of Texas at Austin in 2004.  She did mathematical research for 8 years, and has taught at Indiana University, the University of Texas at Austin, the Ohio State University, and the University of Tennessee Knoxville.    She left academia and shifted focus to working with profoundly gifted kids and, later, paired that with homeschooling her own son.   

Heather has seen time and again that advanced mathematical training can unlock "hidden" doors to career paths -- paths that involve creative, exciting, and fulfilling work and that most people don't know exist.    In this speaker series, she hopes to shed light on some of these paths-less-traveled, the math involved in opening the doors to them, and the various educational trajectories that one can take to get to them.  

Patrick Jones - Course author
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