Course Catalog

Summer Speaker Series 2024

 Year Long 2024-2025 Courses

Fall Semester 2024 Courses

Spring Semester 2025 Courses
(currently under construction)

Short Courses & Parent Support

2023-2024 School Year Courses (Closed for Registration)

Wish we offered something that's not yet here? Please let us know! 

Frequently asked questions

How do I know my student is well-prepared for a particular class? 

In each course description, there is a short statement indicating what the immediate prerequisite knowledge for that course will be.  However, if beyond that you have any concerns or questions, please contact us through our Contact Page.  We'll be happy to delve into a more detailed discussion around readiness centered on your particular student.   

We do teach to understand rather than memorize formulas and procedures, and most of our classes have some proof-based element to them, so if your student is not accustomed to this approach, it is a good idea to contact us and discuss readiness further.

Do you offer a trial period for your courses?  

No, at this point we do not.  Our class sizes are quite small, so holding open spots for students interested in only trying a course out isn't something we can accomodate at this point.   However, we do offer reasonable withdrawl/refund compensations should you decide that a class you've enrolled in is not working out for your student. 

What are your refund/withdrawl policies? 

If any class doesn't run due to low enrollment or for any other reason, we refund the full amount no later than two weeks prior to the course start date.   

For full-academic-year long courses, if you decide to cancel registration in a class or withdraw from a class in progress,  we will refund 90% of the cost back if you withdraw registration prior to August 1 ( we essentially keep a 10% registration fee for holding the spot for your student). For a withdraw/cancellation between Aug 1 and Oct 15, we refund 75% of the course cost. From mid Oct to Dec 31, the refund is reduced to 50%, and after Dec 31 no refunds are given. 

For Fall semester long courses,  if you decide to cancel registration in a class or withdraw from a class in progress, we will refund 90% of the cost back if you withdraw registration prior to August 1 ( we essentially keep a 10% registration fee for holding the spot for your student). For a withdraw/cancellation between Aug 1 and Sept 20, we refund 70% of the course cost. From Sept 21 to Nov 8, the refund is reduced to 30%, and after Nov 8 no refunds are given. 

For Spring semester long courses, if you decide to cancel registration in a class or withdraw from a class in progress, we will refund 90% of the cost back if you withdraw registration prior to January 1 ( we essentially keep a 10% registration fee for holding the spot for your student). For a withdraw/cancellation between Jan 1 and Feb 21, we refund 70% of the course cost. From Feb 22 to April 5, the refund is reduced to 30%, and after April 5 no refunds are given. 

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